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Hong Kai Ji, Daniel Robinson, and Vadim Zipunnikov awarded Spring 2015 IDIES Seed Fund Grants

IDIES congratulates the Spring 2015 awardees and their research teams. We are pleased to support data-intensive multi-disciplinary research at Johns Hopkins through our Seed Funding Initiative. This year’s recipients include Professors Hong Kai Ji (left), Daniel Robinson (middle), and Vadim Zipunnikov (right).

Hong Kai Ji working with Ted Dawson and Valina Dawson: “Genome-wide Prediction of DNase I Hypersensitivity and Transcription Factor Binding Sites Based on Gene Expression”.
The team will develop a data science approach for studying global gene regulation. They plan to develop new high-dimensional regression and prediction methods for genomic big data with the goal of genome-wide prediction of gene regression based on gene expression.

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Daniel Robinson working with Suchi Saria: “Cost-Sensitive Prediction: Applications in Healthcare”.
The team will design new cost-sensitive predictive models for individual patient’s healthcare that incorporate the interdependency of financial, nurse-time, wait-time costs with needed clinical measurements and medical tests. The cost-sensitive results will incorporate a patient’s preferences, and will assist in personalized healthcare.

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Vadim Zipunnikov working with Kathleen Zackowski: “Statistical Methods for Real-Time Monitoring of Physical Disability in Multiple Sclerosis”.
The team will develop real-time monitoring and analysis of multiple sclerosis patients’ activity with the goal of detecting and distinguishing between progression of different types of the disease.

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