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Announcing the 2024 IDIES Summer Student Fellowship Recipients

IDIES is committed to helping meet the needs of student researchers, as a growing number of undergraduates undertake their own data-intensive research.

Through the annual Summer Student Fellowship (SSF), IDIES offers students $6,000 in funding to complete 10-week research projects from June to August.

Eligible projects must involve data science and data-intensive techniques, have mentorship from a current IDIES member, and be entirely student led and student designed.

The ideal SSF project:

  • Relates to the IDIES mission—to enhance the JHU mission of “Knowledge for the World” by providing intellectual leadership in data-driven science; research and education in adaptive technologies; technical and domain expert guidance via collaboration and consultation; open and sustainable long-term access to high-value datasets

  • Encompasses the potential to advance knowledge

  • Challenges and seeks to shift current research/practice by utilizing novel concepts, approaches, or methodologies

  • Benefits society and contributes to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes

From the many applications we received, the following five student researchers were selected based on their project proposals and previous work within their field.

The IDIES 2024 SSF recipients are:

Akshaya Ajith

Accelerated Materials Discovery for High-Entropy Hydrogen Fuel Cell Catalysts (HE-FCC)

Mentored by IDIES member Corey Oses

Millie Mi

Quantifying and Visualizing Urban Emissions of US Cities

Mentored by IDIES member Scot Miller

Krishna Mukunda

Advancing Otolith Function Assessment: Integrating Machine Learning with Video Oculography for Enhanced Vestibular Diagnosis

Mentored by IDIES member Kemar Green

Chris “Le” Wang

Computational Study on Accretion Modes of Planet Formation and Their Impact on Exoplanet Population

Mentored by IDIES member Kevin C. Schlaufman

David Zhou

Simulating murine and human cerebrocortical development through an agent-based computational model

Mentored by IDIES member Genevieve Stein-O’Brien

Previous Seed Recipients

Please join us in congratulating our 2024 SSF cohort. We look forward to following these students and their work through this year and beyond.

IDIES is a major interdisciplinary program, a large, diverse effort, where faculty and students work together to solve data-intensive problems, from genes to galaxies to materials science and urban planning.

The IDIES funding programs seek to encourage new ideas and grow these efforts across the university, while giving JHU researchers and students the opportunity to expand their data science analysis and projects to the next level.