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IDIES 2014 Symposium Brings Together Expert Practitioners from Hopkins and Beyond

The Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science (IDIES) 2014 Annual Symposium was held in Mudd Hall at Johns Hopkins University on Friday, October 17, 2014. This event brought together expert practitioners from all divisions of Johns Hopkins University, government, and industry to discuss their latest discoveries, practical ideas, and insights in big data.

The IDIES Symposium allowed attendees with an interest in a multi-disciplinary approach to big data to meet and collaborate. The symposium included invited talks, shorter presentations, and a poster session, all of which allowed participants to share their work and encourage synergetic discussion.

The Event featured two keynote speakers: Dr. David Lipman, the Director National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Institute of Health and Paul Ginsparg, Professor of Physics and Information Science, Cornell University, with opening comments by Alex Szalay, Professor and Director, Institute for Data-Intensive Engineering and Science.

For more details about talks and poster presentation check out the Symposium Overview.

 Symposium Overview


The recorded morning and afternoon sessions for the 2014 IDIES Annual Symposium are available through Johns Hopkins Panopto.

 Morning Session    Afternoon Session   

Unfortunately, due to technical difficulty, the recording does not include talks after 2:00pm.